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Support ReforgeCraft project and Obtain DP

For now the direct donations on website will not be working.

If you wish to support ReforgeCraft project you can donate to the paypal adress below or contact me at Discord.

If you wish to buy DP, PayPal me directly at: [email protected]

and when writing what it is for just write me your Account name so that I can give you DP manually.

If you have some binance or if you're from Serbia, contact me on Discord to do this.


If you need any help or info, I am Marko always available on ReforgeCraft discord server as I have it on my phone.

my Discord ID is:



If you have no money but still wish to support ReforgeCraft project, say a few kind words on instagram or some forum or simply keep our discord alive by writing there. You can make some youtube video if you want to as well. Our IG and FB pages could use some attention and love too :)